As Autumn creeps in and summer fades, we begin our preparations for this coming winter. Every year I think to myself how busy the spring kiddings are. Then I experience the fall and preparing for our winter. Our barn is full of hay, stacks of Chaffhaye, feed and bedding. We have already completed our first breedings for kidding in mid-February. We have stocked our freezer with farm-raised pork and beef. Also, we will be raising our last batch of meat chickens for the year as well. Our meat chickens enjoy pasture and Scratch and Peck soy-free organic-corn feed. It feels good to raise our own animals and know where our food comes from. We continue to push our farm forward by embracing the ways of the past. I hope to keep bringing our adventures to you.
The pastures are dry and barren now. With winter comes the rain and the beautiful green grasses will re-emerge. The goats are looking forward to the fresh nibbles too. We will be adding onto our buck pen to give the boys more room and seeding the pastures. Keep posted to both our blog and our Facebook page for updates on the farm. Have a lovely Fall from our family to yours!
The pastures are dry and barren now. With winter comes the rain and the beautiful green grasses will re-emerge. The goats are looking forward to the fresh nibbles too. We will be adding onto our buck pen to give the boys more room and seeding the pastures. Keep posted to both our blog and our Facebook page for updates on the farm. Have a lovely Fall from our family to yours!