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So here's to trying something new! I have planted some legume cover crops and they are growing nicely. When I start planting my veggies in March/April, I will just mow down the cover crop. Next, I will plant my veggies directly into the ground with the cover crop remnants. Hopefully, with this new technique, I can seriously cut down on the competing weeds and provide nutrients to the soil at the same time. Our in-ground veggie garden is mostly clay soil which desperately needs to be broken up to decrease compaction and add organic matter to benefit the crops.
Negatives -
1.) I lost Topaz to a uterine rupture (This taught me that even when I think things are okay, bump the bottom of the does. It is horrible after the fact to realize that more babies are in there.)
2.) I lost Snowy (This actually made me understand how good care can keep a feral barn cat for many years.)
3.) The sweet corn failed miserably (I came to understand that mixing different varieties can actually be detrimental. The corn can revert back to hard field corn. Yuck! But the goats loved it.)
4.) A. I. bombed (This is just a matter of practice. I'm glad that I attempted it even though the does did not take. And I'll get back to it next year!)
Positives -
1.) I finally learned how to can! (This was a completely self-taught process, and I loved every minute of it. It is so nice to have tasty, canned goods in the winter.)
2.) We got the John Deere 6x4 utility vehicle (This new toy has helped out incredibly on the farm. Its amazing!)
3.) I've started adding trees to the property (We have added both Sugar Maples and native Oregon White Oaks. Now to build the barricades to keep the goats out. As much as they'd love to eat them, the goats will do much better with the future shade the trees will provide.)
4.) I made farmer's cheese. (This was very easy and gave me confidence to keep going with my cheese-making.)

* To finally keep some goats of my own (with my herd name on them)
* To participate in both milk test and linear appraisal through the American Dairy Goat Association
* To explore cheese-making and perfect soft cheeses especially chevre and mozzarella
* To start selling my delicious goat milk from my farm
* To raise turkeys again
* To keep working on my veggie garden so that I can share the wealth of my harvest
* To learn to trim fruit trees for myself
* To keep exploring new ways to preserve what I grow
This next year is full of promise and new discoveries. I love the work that I do on my farm. I feel so fortunate every day that I was given this life and that my family gets to experience it as well. I always encourage everyone that I meet to get your hands dirty and observe all the things around you. Farming doesn't have to be complicated. My farming once was solely done in planters on my back deck. Every time you grow something or care for an animal, you, yourself, are growing. Take my advice, get your hands dirty. You'll be amazed...