Here's to another season of baby goats! It's so hard not to get overly excited. By this time next month, we'll be welcoming some new additions to our farm. Persey really is looking big. I'm betting on at least 2 if not 3 babies in there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful and easy kidding. Ari was not bred this year to let her grow herself and gain some structure as a yearling. I've decided to only breed my does at their second season mark.
The addition of the new barn cameras has been a necessity. Our old ones were slowly dying after 4 years of use, and it was time to invest in some new ones. It helps incredibly to be able to watch our does as they begin their labor process without interrupting it. With the ability to observe them without disruption helps me decide if intervention in the process is necessary. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.
The addition of the new barn cameras has been a necessity. Our old ones were slowly dying after 4 years of use, and it was time to invest in some new ones. It helps incredibly to be able to watch our does as they begin their labor process without interrupting it. With the ability to observe them without disruption helps me decide if intervention in the process is necessary. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.
The girls are so tuckered out after a day in the pastures. Persey always trails behind the others on their way back in for the night. She's a trooper though and the exercise is good for her in the final phase of her pregnancy. Before long, she'll be back to her normal self with babies in tow and ready to continue to reign as herd queen here at Franke Farm.