Spring is well upon us at Franke Farm. And with that, the first babies are off to their new homes and new adventures. It is always a little bittersweet to watch them leave. All of our time, effort and hard-work has helped create these amazing little creatures. I know that they will enjoy their new surroundings but still its a void around the farm. But we are looking forward to next year.
Next year is full of promise. We have some wonderful new bucks to add to our lines. We continue to redefine our feeding regimen and mineral supplementation. We hope to add the creation of our very own goats milk soap line too. So with each passing year, we continue to gain knowledge into these wonderful animals and challenge our own ideas of farming. This has been an interesting journey so far and we are hoping for many more adventures to come. Here's to a lovely spring!
Next year is full of promise. We have some wonderful new bucks to add to our lines. We continue to redefine our feeding regimen and mineral supplementation. We hope to add the creation of our very own goats milk soap line too. So with each passing year, we continue to gain knowledge into these wonderful animals and challenge our own ideas of farming. This has been an interesting journey so far and we are hoping for many more adventures to come. Here's to a lovely spring!