Herd Management
* Sold Kids – All kids are sold disbudded, dewormed, coccidia treated (if needed) and given two doses of C, D & T vaccine by 8 weeks old. Kids will have hooves trimmed as well. Registered kids will have their ears tattooed with their AGS or ADGA identification. Goats cannot and will not be sold as singles. Goats are herd animals and require another goat companion. We do sell bottle-fed babies on occasion. Our kids are primarily dam-raised with plenty of human affection and care.
* Feed – Our goats enjoy a lovely 4 acre pasture to browse at their leisure each day. We use a rotational grazing method. Also, they are offered local grass hay and Haystack Special Blend pellets daily, soaked beet pulp shreds two times a week and Chaffhaye (fermented alfalfa) weekly. We purchase our Haystack Special Blend pellets and Chaffhaye (from Buchanan Cellers in McMinnville) and Standlee beet pulp from the Tractor Supply Company. The goats are offered a moderate amount of "grain" mixture during late pregnancy and lactation to help with the extra nutritional demand. Our grain mixture is a combination of 50% Haystack 18 Goat feed (from Buchanan Cellers in McMinnville) and 50% alfalfa pellets top-dressed with black oil sunflower seeds that each milking doe gets in the amount of 2lbs daily on the milk stand. Free-choice minerals - (Payback 16-8 goat mineral plus or Sweetlix Magnum Milk) and Thorvin kelp granules (Azure Standard) are available at all times.
* Medical – Biannual C, D & T vaccines and Bo-Se injections are given. Also, we vaccinate annually for Pasteurella pneumonia. Fecal samples are checked two times a year for worms and coccidia by Oregon State University large animal veterinarian clinic in Corvallis. The herd is treated if necessary. Copper boluses are given every three months as well. For all emergency care, we highly recommend - Veterinary Services of Oregon who provide on-farm mobile vet care.
* Maintenance – Hooves are trimmed every two months. Goats are completely clipped each spring to decrease the possibility of external parasites. Suntan lotion is applied after clipping to prevent sunburns. Does are dairy clipped at one month before kidding as well. Coats, feet, eyes and teeth are checked regularly. The majority of our supplies are purchased locally or online through either Valley Vet or Caprine Supply.
* Protection – Our goats are watched and protected by our wonderful livestock guardian dog, Astros (Anatolian Shepherd) during the day. Please research livestock guardian dogs if this is the type of protection you want for your animals. At night, the goats are locked securely in their barn to further protect them. Our fencing is 5 feet woven wire with a string of barbed wire along the outside bottom and electric along the top.
We take great pride in our animals. We provide them with the best care possible. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us at frankefarmgoats@gmail.com
* Sold Kids – All kids are sold disbudded, dewormed, coccidia treated (if needed) and given two doses of C, D & T vaccine by 8 weeks old. Kids will have hooves trimmed as well. Registered kids will have their ears tattooed with their AGS or ADGA identification. Goats cannot and will not be sold as singles. Goats are herd animals and require another goat companion. We do sell bottle-fed babies on occasion. Our kids are primarily dam-raised with plenty of human affection and care.
* Feed – Our goats enjoy a lovely 4 acre pasture to browse at their leisure each day. We use a rotational grazing method. Also, they are offered local grass hay and Haystack Special Blend pellets daily, soaked beet pulp shreds two times a week and Chaffhaye (fermented alfalfa) weekly. We purchase our Haystack Special Blend pellets and Chaffhaye (from Buchanan Cellers in McMinnville) and Standlee beet pulp from the Tractor Supply Company. The goats are offered a moderate amount of "grain" mixture during late pregnancy and lactation to help with the extra nutritional demand. Our grain mixture is a combination of 50% Haystack 18 Goat feed (from Buchanan Cellers in McMinnville) and 50% alfalfa pellets top-dressed with black oil sunflower seeds that each milking doe gets in the amount of 2lbs daily on the milk stand. Free-choice minerals - (Payback 16-8 goat mineral plus or Sweetlix Magnum Milk) and Thorvin kelp granules (Azure Standard) are available at all times.
* Medical – Biannual C, D & T vaccines and Bo-Se injections are given. Also, we vaccinate annually for Pasteurella pneumonia. Fecal samples are checked two times a year for worms and coccidia by Oregon State University large animal veterinarian clinic in Corvallis. The herd is treated if necessary. Copper boluses are given every three months as well. For all emergency care, we highly recommend - Veterinary Services of Oregon who provide on-farm mobile vet care.
* Maintenance – Hooves are trimmed every two months. Goats are completely clipped each spring to decrease the possibility of external parasites. Suntan lotion is applied after clipping to prevent sunburns. Does are dairy clipped at one month before kidding as well. Coats, feet, eyes and teeth are checked regularly. The majority of our supplies are purchased locally or online through either Valley Vet or Caprine Supply.
* Protection – Our goats are watched and protected by our wonderful livestock guardian dog, Astros (Anatolian Shepherd) during the day. Please research livestock guardian dogs if this is the type of protection you want for your animals. At night, the goats are locked securely in their barn to further protect them. Our fencing is 5 feet woven wire with a string of barbed wire along the outside bottom and electric along the top.
We take great pride in our animals. We provide them with the best care possible. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us at frankefarmgoats@gmail.com