Welcome to Franke Farm!
We specialize in purebred French Alpine dairy goats located just outside of Dallas, Oregon in the beautiful Willamette Valley. Started in 2011 as a small, 5 acre family farm, we spend a great deal of time caring for our animals. We breed our French Alpines for correct conformation and generous dairy character. We participate in DHI (Dairy Herd Improvement) milk test annually and Classification program through the AGS (American Goat Society) in alternating years. We are so excited to be able to share these wonderful animals with you! Before contacting us, please be sure to read our Herd Management page for basic goat care information. Also, review our Sales Policy page. We accept free reservations on any of our planned kiddings in the Breeding Schedule section. Check out our Goats for Sale page for current available animals and let us know any questions that you might have. On a side note, we are a small family homestead that can be quite busy. We do provide and strongly encourage farm tours for potential buyers. With that being said, we do not rent out our animals and are not a petting zoo. We do love questions and want our animals to have the best possible homes. If you are interested in all the latest happenings around the farm, you can follow our adventures on Facebook.
A Little Goat History:
French Alpines were first imported to the United States in 1922 by Dr. Charles P. Delangle. In the fall of 1922, as hundreds of goats came down from their summer pastures high in the Alps, Mr. Joseph Crepin (the expert on French capriculture and author of "La Chevre") helped Dr. Delangle select 19 does and 3 bucks from these huge herds. The two men transported the 22 selected animals to Paris to be shipped to America. The goats left Paris by steamer ship to the port of New Orleans and then by rail to California. Eventually, Dr. Delangle sold or gave away his herd and left the world of goats entirely. However, Dr. Delangle's legacy lives on as all goats registered as "Purebred French Alpines" directly descend from the 22 animals the he selected and imported in 1922. What an amazing history!
Alpine goats are the quintessential dairy goats. Milking does can produce 1-2 gallons per day with an average butterfat content of 3.5%. Does can be milked for one to three years. Their milk can be made into butter, cheese, soap, ice cream or any other dairy product normally made from cow's milk. Alpines are considered medium-large sized goats. Bucks weigh on average 170 pounds and are 32 inches to the shoulder while does weigh on average 135 pounds and are 30 inches to the shoulder. These goat's personalities are calm, quiet and friendly. If you are looking for an excellent goat in both milk production and temperament, the Alpine is the ideal choice. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at frankefarmgoats@gmail.com
Thanks for looking!
* Entire goat herd CAE, CL and Johne's tested negative: February 2023
Site Last Updated: March 10th, 2025
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